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Long live GTA V?

Every gamer knows Grand Theft Auto V (also known as GTA V); an anticipated open world game back in 2012 that hit high sales in 2013 when it was released. As expected of GTA Series, the game did not disappoint as the world was more interactive than previous series and unique characters were introduced. However, over the years, its play-ability was taking a downward path; Was it due to its game-play or the fact that there was not much realism in that big world of Los Santos? Either could be the answer depending on one’s motive in playing the game. GTA V has come a long way and its game-play is taking a realistic spin thanks to its dedicated fans known as modders. These individuals have taken the initiative of making the game more fun and gravitating, as realistic aspects are added that are not repetitive or exhausted as game-plays of this genre usually are.

Executive Business

We all know GTA V is about missions, being the bad guy, having the freewill to do whatever violent acts and also running from cops. But have you taken into consideration the other possibilities that Rockstar creators could’ve added? How about owning and controlling a business? Buying and selling stocks? A mod by the name of Executive Business and alternatives such as Doomsday Heist Business changed the whole concept of GTA V. In Executive business mod, the player can purchase a business, buy and sell stocks in the business, improve or upgrade assets such as storage facilities and conduct errands that contribute to the overall profit of the business. Imagine leaving for work in GTA V; an actual job (although I cannot promise that that no violent tendencies won’t be involved) and earning money more than the businesses originally created in the game that each character can purchase. This is truly a realistic and interesting add-on to the game.

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CARS, CARS and more CARS

Now that we have Executive Business installed, it means our characters are transitioning to a lavish lifestyle and what better way to display such lifestyle than to have luxurious cars. Adding vehicles to the GTA series is no new trick. All top brands, such as Lamborghini, Audi, Mercedes and even Rolls Royce, have addon models for the game. Driving a addon vehicle gives the game-play a realistic approach and these vehicle can be saved in the game without worrying about them disappearing. Persistence mod is used to carry out such task; it saves your vehicle (similar to you locking your car in real life) and has an alarm feature, similar to real cars, whenever an object touches it or is in close proximity. There is even a feature where the lights flash when either locking or unlocking the vehicle. Vehicle addons and Persistence mod adds a whole new level of realism into GTA V.

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Be the cop

I’ve mentioned business opportunities, cars and alarms but what about twisting the overall story line of the game. What if you were the cop? What if you want a different lifestyle? LSPDFR is the solution to your problem. It allows the player to be a law enforcer and one can do almost everything a real cop does on a daily basis. The best thing about this mod is the fact that events are not repetitive because any one of the thousands of NPCs could be breaking a law. From traffic stop to pursuits, the possibilities are endless in this mod. You could literally stop any civilian and asks for identification, conduct a search and call for pickup if you suspect some level of guilt. One can examine license plates to check for validity by the use of the Computer plus extension. Highway patrolling is another phenomenal feature; you can align the cones as to control the traffic flow, record speeds of vehicles, issue tickets and much more. You want to be a cop? Use the LSPDFR mod.

Head over to GTA5-Mods for more mods and addons to make your GTA V, a real life simulator.

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